Argument Suggestions
Sometimes, you want to send your own suggestions to users. For this, you can use the suggests(SuggestionProvider<CommandSourceStack>)
method when declaring
Examining SuggestionProvider<S>
The SuggestionProvider<S>
interface is defined as follows:
public interface SuggestionProvider<S> {
CompletableFuture<Suggestions> getSuggestions(final CommandContext<S> context, final SuggestionsBuilder builder) throws CommandSyntaxException;
Similar to other classes or interfaces with a <S>
generic parameter, for Paper, this is usually a CommandSourceStack
. Furthermore, similar to the Command<S>
this is a functional interface, which means that instead of passing in a class which implements this interface, we can just pass a lambda statement or a method reference.
Our lambda consists of two parameters, CommandContext<S>
and SuggestionsBuilder
, and expects to have a CompletableFuture<Suggestions>
A very simple lambda for our suggests
method might look like this:
Commands.argument("name", StringArgumentType.word())
.suggests((ctx, builder) -> builder.buildFuture());
This example obviously does not suggest anything, as we haven't added any suggestions yet.
The SuggestionsBuilder
The SuggestionsBuilder
has a few methods we can use to construct our suggestions:
Input retrieval
The first type of methods we will cover are the input retrieval methods: getInput()
, getStart()
, getRemaining()
, and getRemainingLowerCase()
The following table displays what each returns with the following input typed in the chat bar: /customsuggestions Asumm13Text
Method | Return Value | Description |
getInput() | /customsuggestions Asumm13Text | The full chat input |
getStart() | 19 | The index of the first character of the argument's input |
getRemaining() | Asumm13Text | The input for the current argument |
getRemainingLowerCase() | asumm13text | The input for the current argument, lowercased |
The following overloads of the SuggestionsBuilder#suggest
method add values that will be send to the client as argument suggestions:
Overload | Description |
suggest(String) | Adds a String to the suggestions |
suggest(String, Message) | Adds a String with a tooltip to the suggestions |
suggest(int) | Adds an int to the suggestions |
suggest(int, Message) | Adds an int with a tooltip to the suggestions |
There are two ways of retrieving a Message
- Using
, which can be used for basic, non-formatted text. - Using the
, which can be used to serializeComponent
objects intoMessage
For example, if you add a suggestion like this:
builder.suggest("suggestion", MessageComponentSerializer.message().serialize(
MiniMessage.miniMessage().deserialize("<green>Suggestion tooltip")
It will look like this on the client:

There are two methods we can use to build our Suggestions
object. The only difference between those is that one directly returns the finished Suggestions
whilst the other one returns a CompletableFuture<Suggestions>
The reason for these two methods is that SuggestionProvider
expects the return value to be CompletableFuture<Suggestions>
. This for once
allows for constructing your suggestions asynchronously inside a CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(Supplier<Suggestions>)
statement, or synchronously directly inside our
lambda and returning the final Suggestions
object asynchronously.
Here are the same suggestions declared in the two different ways mentioned above:
// Here, you are safe to use all Paper API
Commands.argument("name", StringArgumentType.word())
.suggests((ctx, builder) -> {
return builder.buildFuture();
// Here, most Paper API is not usable
Commands.argument("name", StringArgumentType.word())
.suggests((ctx, builder) -> CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> {
Example: Suggesting amounts in a give item command
In commands, where you give players items, you oftentimes include an amount argument. We could suggest 1
, 16
, 32
, and 64
as common amounts for
items given. The command implementation could look like this:
public class SuggestionsTest {
public static LiteralCommandNode<CommandSourceStack> constructGiveItemCommand() {
// Create new command: /giveitem
return Commands.literal("giveitem")
// Require a player to execute the command
.requires(ctx -> ctx.getExecutor() instanceof Player)
// Declare a new ItemStack argument
.then(Commands.argument("item", ArgumentTypes.itemStack())
// Declare a new integer argument with the bounds of 1 to 99
.then(Commands.argument("stacksize", IntegerArgumentType.integer(1, 99))
// Here, we use method references, since otherwise, our command definition would grow too big
private static CompletableFuture<Suggestions> getStackSizeSuggestions(final CommandContext<CommandSourceStack> ctx, final SuggestionsBuilder builder) {
// Suggest 1, 16, 32, and 64 to the user when they reach the 'amount' argument
return builder.buildFuture();
private static int executeCommandLogic(final CommandContext<CommandSourceStack> ctx) {
// We know that the executor will be a player, so we can just silently return
if (!(ctx.getSource().getExecutor() instanceof Player player)) {
return Command.SINGLE_SUCCESS;
// If the player has no empty slot, we tell the player that they have no free inventory space
if (player.getInventory().firstEmpty() == -1) {
player.sendRichMessage("<light_purple>You do not have enough space in your inventory!");
return Command.SINGLE_SUCCESS;
// Retrieve our argument values
final ItemStack item = ctx.getArgument("item", ItemStack.class);
final int amount = IntegerArgumentType.getInteger(ctx, "amount");
// Set the item's amount and give it to the player
final int firstEmptySlot = player.getInventory().firstEmpty();
player.getInventory().setItem(firstEmptySlot, item);
// Send a confirmation message
player.sendRichMessage("<light_purple>You have been given <white><amount>x</white> <aqua><item></aqua>!",
Placeholder.component("amount", Component.text(amount)),
Placeholder.component("item", Component.translatable(item).hoverEvent(item))
return Command.SINGLE_SUCCESS;
And here is how the command looks in-game:
Example: Filtering by user input
If you have multiple values, it is suggested that you filter your suggestions by what the user has already put in. For this, we can declare the following, simple command as a test:
public static LiteralCommandNode<CommandSourceStack> constructStringSuggestionsCommand() {
final List<String> names = List.of("Alex", "Andreas", "Stephanie", "Sophie", "Emily");
return Commands.literal("selectname")
.then(Commands.argument("name", StringArgumentType.word())
.suggests((ctx, builder) -> {
.filter(entry -> entry.toLowerCase().startsWith(builder.getRemainingLowerCase()))
return builder.buildFuture();
This simple setup filters suggestions by user input, providing a smooth user experience when running the command: